Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Compliment Post

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the compliment post! For this assignment, you'll need to get serious and really push your thinking regarding your classmates.

Your job is to write some kind words about each of your classmates. You have only one shot at completing this assignment, so pay attention to the clock. Your teacher will let you know exactly how much time you have. Once you start, you have to finish, and every question is required.

The easy part is this: even though you'll answer it about 45 times, there's only one question.

"What is great about my classmates?"

You'll use ONLY POSITIVE character traits to describe your classmates. You can use any word(s) you choose, but the list above is provided to help you. Do NOT use a word unless you know what it means. If you need help defining a word, consider If you need more ideas, check here, but remember to be very careful with the words you choose because words can have multiple meanings.

Make sure that you are considerate and respectful. Please feel free to get creative and use words others might not think of. The more unique, the better!

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