Today, you'll be reading with a partner about electricity and magnets. The book you'll use is a really great book with all sorts of great information. We'd also like you to comment on this post and make sure to answer the following questions:
In your first comment (Monday)...
1. What do I already know about electricity and magnets?
2. What do I want to learn about electricity and magnets?
In your second comment (Tuesday)...
3. What have I learned about electricity and magnets?
4. What questions do I still have about electricity and magnets?
5. Where could I look for more information about electricity and magnets?
Thanks in advance for pushing your thinking!
~ Mr. Moore, Ms. Vander Velde, and Mr. Ulrich
Dear Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteI learned that the atom that makes the electric current is called a magntron (sorry if I misspelled it).
I want to learn how this reacts to form electricity or if it's the electricity it's self.
Dear Ms, VanderVelde and Mr. Moore and Mr. Ulrich,
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned is that circuits can make a very cool thing and when the electricity flows through the wire. I also want to learn how to make a parrel circuit and I want to learn how to make a battery and what does a battery have inside it.
Kyle H. 10v
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V
ReplyDeletewhat I already know about magnets is that like poles repel and that opposite poles attract. I also know that there are two types of circuits a parallel circuit and a series circuit. what I want to know is waht would happen if you combined magnets and electricity?
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteWhat do I know about electricity and magnets is that there are circuits a circuit, a parallel circuit and a series circuit. What do I want to know about electricity and magnets is that how do magnets work?
Dear Ms.V and Mr.Moore
ReplyDeleteI know that magnates Attract opisite sides of each other and that electricity can make magnates stronger.
I want to know how much stronger electricity can make a magnate.
Your student,
Dear Ms. V and Mr. Moore,
ReplyDeleteI learned about how electricity makes light and has to be connected with wires to make the light. One thing I learned bout magnets was that opposites attract and like repel. I want to learn about magnets more because how the magnets attract and how they repel entertains me a lot.
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V
ReplyDeleteWhat I know about electricity and magnets is with magnets if you do a positive with a positive they will repel but positive and negative will attract.What I know about electricity
there are 3 types of circuits Parallel circuit,circuit and series circuit.What I want to learn about electricity is how the series circuit works along with all the other circuits?What I want to learn about magnets is how they attract and repel?
Your Student,
Juan Carlos 6V
Dear Ms.V and Mr.Moore,
ReplyDeleteI know that magnets have 2 poles, a north side and a south side. When you put a north end to a north end they will reject each other and a north and south end put together they connect. I would like to know if and how magnetism helps electricity move from one place to another.
Your friend,
Dear Mr. Moore, Ms. V, and MR. Ulrich
ReplyDeleteI one thing that I learned was about electricity and magnetism is that opposites attract and likes repel. One new thing that I would like to learn about is about magnetism. I would like to have a better understanding of what they mean and do.
Kathleen 12v
Dear Mr. Moore and Ms. Vander Velde,
ReplyDeleteI learned about Magnetism is opposite attract and like repels for magnets. I learned about Electricity is ho circuits working and how the bulb will light and the different kinds of circuits. I want to learn about Electricity is how parallel circuits work? I want to learn about magnetism is how they can get a magnet? or how they're making it?
Your student,
Micah 13v
Dear Mr. Moore and Ms. Vander Velde,
ReplyDeleteI know that if two magnetic poles, that are the same, are put together,then the two poles will push away from each other. I want to learn if two different kinds of magnets can be put together.
Dear Ms.V and Mr. Moore,
ReplyDeleteOne thing I know about electricity is that if you put north side to a south side it will want to go with each other. One thing I want to learned is that " Can we feel what the magnets feel even if we are humans or like can we feel in our body what magnets feel when they want to go together?
Your friend,
Laura 23v
Dear Mr.Moor and Mrs.v
ReplyDeleteI learned that opasit sides attract and same sides repel. I would like to learn if there is a magnetic field that when opasit sides repel they will stay at one distincs when they repel.
Your student,
Dear Mrs.V and Mr.Moore,
ReplyDeleteI know from the lessen that able to complete a circuit all the wires have
to connect all together to make a circuit. Here is one thing that I want to know if three magnets
your friend,
Dear Ms. VanderVelde,
ReplyDeleteAn ion is an atom that has gained or lost electrons and has an electrical charge.
There are the same a mount of protons and electrons in a atom.
I want to learn how I can make an electrical charge out of a wire and and other things.
I could look up them on books or on the computer where they give you real facts.
Your friend,
Kyle 10v
Dear Mrs.V,Mr.Moore,and Mr Ulrich
ReplyDeleteToday I learned that electricity and magnitizam are related.I all so learned that atomes are the smallest bits of elements
From Enrique14v
Dear Ms. VanderVelde,
ReplyDeleteTwo things I learned was that rubber and plastic are the best insulators. Another thing I learned was that electrons can move by them selves so the have to have something move them. One thing I wanted learn more was that how do rubber and plastic are the best insulators?
Dany 3v
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V
ReplyDeleteI learned that electromagnetism
is electricity and magnetism put
together. Also that static electricity is made by possitiv charges on one side and negativ on the other.
I want to know if thar are any more charges in an atom.
Your student,
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteWhat I learned about electricity and magnets is that lightning is a natural form of electricity. Electricity comes from very tiny partials called atoms. What I want to learn about electricity and magnets is that what is DC all I know is that batteries use this.
Maria 20v
Dear Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteOne thing I learned was that if a circuit is broken the whole thing stops working but if its not broken the circuit keeps working. A other thing I learned was that a circuit needs to be made of a good conductor the best conductor is metal.
Your Student,
Dear Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteToday I learned that there are two kinds of electricity they are static electricity and current electricity.I want to learn about how, the electricity and how it flows and how the electricity stops and moves when the light goes off and on how does the circuit open and close?
Dear Mr. Moore, Ms. V, and Mr. Ulrich,
ReplyDeleteTwo knew things that I learned after reading the book was that, most power plants produce electricity by boiling water to make steam. One examples are, burning coal, oil, or natural gas. Another new thing that I learned was that electricity is a form of energy. It comes from small particles called atoms. One new thing that I would like to learn more about is to not get the confusion of circuits and how they work. For example Ms. V turned off the lights. She explained that she made the circuits continue to flow. When she turned on the lights the circuits stopped. I had a little bit of confusion on that.
Kathleen 12v
Dear Ms.V and Mr. Moore,
ReplyDeleteTwo thing I learned is that you can make a tiny lighting bolt by scuffing your shoes on a carpet when the air is dry. During that cause your body will pick up electrons from the carpet. Another thing I learned that i din't know is that there are two kinds of electricity. There are static electricity and electricity current. One thing I want to learned is magnetism. I don't really know about it so i really want to talk about it a little more
Dear Ms.V and Mr.Moore,
ReplyDeleteFrom the book I learned that atoms can be turned into magnets. The more atoms there are in a magnet the stronger the magnet will be. I also learned that metals are the best conductors. The conductor translates electricity. I would like to know more about electric currents. I am not clear on what they do.
Your friend,
Sydney 7
Dear Mr. Moore and Ms. Vander Velde,
ReplyDeleteI learned about electricity and magnetism is they're two kinds of electricity they are called static electricity and electric current. I don't get to magnetism yet but I can say that electromagnetism is a combined force of electricity and magnetism. One thing I want to learn about electricity and magnetism is when electromagnetism combined what things that they can produce with their force to each other? I can look for more information by continuing reading the book for electricity and magnetism.
Your student,
Micah 13v
Dear Mrs.V and Mr.Moore,
ReplyDeleteFrom reading the book here is something I learned is that able to complete a circuit all the wires have to be connected and anther thing that I learned is that Magnetism is closely related to electricity.
Your student,
Dear Mr. Moore and Ms. Vander Velde,
ReplyDeleteToday I learned that there are two kinds of electric currents. These two currents are the alternating current (AC) and the direct current (DC). I also learned that magnets can be used to make electricity by moving a coil of wire through a magnetic field. I still want to know how somebody can be a negative charge when someone rubs their feet on a carpet when the air is dry.
today I learned that electeristy and magnitivam are related. I allso learned that atomse are the smallest bits of elements.Is magnitivam mater?
ReplyDeleteFrom Enrique14v
Dear Mr.Moore and Ms.V,
ReplyDeleteToday I learned that magnetism and electricity are almost related. In side a atom is smaller products called protons, neutrons ,and electricity.I want too learn is more about magnetism.