Thursday, March 20, 2014

Celebrations, Accountability, and Inspiration...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, you will be participating in a class meeting. This is a continuation of our restorative justice circles. We will begin by sharing some celebrations. Then we can talk just a bit about accountability. Finally, we will end our meeting by sharing some inspiration... Today, our inspiration will come from the video below.

If you haven't seen the Kid President's videos before, you should check out the whole playlist once you are away from school (since you can't watch YouTube videos here at school). You can also check out his website here:

As part of this video, Kid President is gathering a list of things #thekidsneedtoknow. 

Please share a comment on this post. In your comment, add your ideas about what the kids need to know. Also, please share your thinking about your class meeting. In your comment you should not use anyone's name. 

Thanks for your great thinking! 

~ Mr. Moore and Ms. Vander Velde


  1. I think that kids should know that there will always be someone around to help you and teach you things. You should always know that you can grow up to be somebody that inspires you because of something they maybe you can do the same

    1. When Salma says "I think kids should know that there will be someone around to help you and teach you things." That is true he is trying to say a message.

  2. I believe that the little kid(kid president:soul pancake)made an amazing video and that he definitely spreads a true message. He definitely inspired me to do cool things with my YouTube channel. Instead of just funny videos, I'm going to have a purpose with it.

  3. I think that this video about the kid president is really cool because this kid is welcoming new life to the world. This kid tells people to enjoy life, think about the things that you could do that you hav not done. I think that this kid is telling people to help the new life that is coming to this Earth. There are more things that he talks about and you should check it out.

    1. I agree with Destines because she is right when she said "This kid tells people to enjoy life."

  4. Our class meeting really said something to me like maybe do your homework and own up if you didn't. And look out for what you are doing and try not to be involved.

    1. I agree with you if you did not own up to homework then you have to own up like Joey did. I will look out for what I am doing and not be involved.

  5. I think that kids younger than me should know that it is important to teach everybody else younger to be good and know how to do other stuff in the world that kids can't do even if there different and are from a different place. Don't judge people from were they are bu judge them by there feelings and how they act.

  6. I think this video is pretty good and I really love the kid because I think that he is saying something right to the people all around the world and I think we should always watch a video like the video that we watched. I want this boy to visit at East Elementary. I think that the kid is saying something very important. What the kid said we should follow it and be are selves.

  7. I think that kids need to know that you should keep trying. You should also try to be more happy than sad or mad most of the days out of the week. What I do to get happy if I'm mad at home is I listen to the song happy By: Pharrell Williams. Also today we had a class meeting and the words that some people said was really passionate to me.

  8. I think that kids should know that everybody has a different talent. What I mean by this is that everybody can do a certain special thing. Even though sometimes your days go rough. What I think about the class meeting is that I think it is a good idea because you can talk about your problems and celebrations and how you can fix them.

  9. Dear Mr.Moore and Mrs.V,
    kids need to know when to talk and when to laugh. Right now in the fifth grade (mostly in Mr.Moore's class) that's not happening. Your right it is inspriering to my soul.
    The class meetings worked for all of the class, but now I noticed the same thing when your gone(out of the class room). I really think some people lied. One of the things in my life that inspiring is art and making legos(also art!!!).

  10. Today we did a class meeting and I think that this will really work for use because we tell what has happened to us in different ways. I think that if that keeps on happening to us, we will soon know how to be respectful. I wonder if other classes could be doing this?

  11. I like what kid president did in this video because he said if someone is mad or mean try to make him your friend and make feel good like dancing. Plus if there is a baby make him or she laugh and be a good person so they look up to you. One day ever person is to be part of a good thing and every person is loved. So just go give some random person a big high five plus maybe a hug.

  12. I think that the class should have a YouTube account to spread the things we here in our class meetings. It would be a fun experience for people in our class and the things we get to share (what cool experiences at home and the things we get inspired by) would be inspiring to other people, just like how the kid presidents video inspired us.

  13. Kids who are behaving bad need help. Class meeting are good for people who are tot acting up. Class meeting is helpful to know how not act bad. Its all right to get ice cream.

  14. This video really inspired me. It teaches kids about things that your going to go through in life. I think that kids should know that you should have fun in life and that some people not be nice and some people that will not so nice. Also kids should know that they should try different things and activities. Every kid is unique in there own way.I also think that the class meeting is very helpful for quit a few people. I love this class improvement for both classes for solving class room problems it is it makes me very happy that we get to solve problems and show improvement and growth!

  15. The video has things that inspires people like having them laugh and apologizing to people. This also tells people to have fun and many other things that can make them happy and not feel down. The class meeting we had can make some people not do things bad like yelling because people yell or do thing crazy sometimes. This video inspires people not to do things bad because when they get in trouble they might feel down so they won't do that again if that makes them feel down.

  16. In my class meeting I felt like you shouldn't be scared to own up to something wrong that you have done everybody makes mistakes and you should just own up to your wrongs and it will become a right and if you don't it is worse because you are just lying.

    1. I agree with you because we all make mistakes and we should own to them. I think the class meeting is a good chance of sheering your problems because that way your teacher knows hoe you behave.

  17. I'll say that the Kid President video was right. I think that if everyone sees this video or at least hears about this we will all know that this boy has lots of energy, and that he will be a great person in life. I loved how this boy knows a lot about life and how this life will work for others and himself. I would want lots of people to watch this video and learn what life can hold for them. I hope that this comment will encourage you to watch this video and share it. My class is doing a class meeting so we can say things that bother us, and our goals and if we reach the goals or not. For the truth I may not like speaking to the class, but I really do think that this is a great idea. Why because this will help us by explaining these thing to others and someone else can help reach the goal.

  18. I think that what kids need to know is that we are great. What I think that kid president is trying to get out their that we need to know the we are great no matter what. I think that he is also getting out that people are not trying to be mean they are just having a bad day. I think that this relates to the class meeting is that Mr. Moore is not trying to punish us, he is trying to make us do something better. What I mean is that he is trying to make this class a better place to learn. What I think that I am saying is that we all are not mean we just want to do things cause we think that we are powerful, but really the teachers in this room are the powerful people. I think that Mr. Moore is teaching us to be good and respectful for the challenges that come in life.

  19. What I like about your video is first your funny. You look like a talented kid you say lots of jokes and you dance good. The class meting is about kids telling what they got done that impurest them. Kids also have to tell something about what they did wrong and how they felt and how they are going to change it and make it better. I think this is a good chance of shearing ur problems because that way the teacher knows what we need to make it better and knows allot more how we behave .

  20. Dear readers, In my fifth grade class we have decided to start having class meetings called,"
    Celebrations, Accountability, and Inspiration". In these class meetings you can celebrate yourself or another kid can celebrate another kid, also when we do accountability a kid has to take responsibility for her/his mistakes and admit and say what they want their are going to change and how there problem affected them, and last but not least there is inspiration after our class meeting my class in inspired to do something or something inspired you to do something. For example today me and my class watched," Kid President's Letter To A Person On Their First Day Here." When me and my class watched the YouTube video it was mostly about how we are different and how to treat people with respect also about him talking positive things such as how you treat people with nice high-five. I think that this film would be a great video for anybody of all ages Kid President is very positive also has some good and educational things to teach older and younger kids. Kid President is a great remodel.

  21. When the class had the meeting it was important about our feelings and what the kids do in the class when they don't listen to the teachers and adults. I think that we should actually follow it and not just be disrespectful and keep on talking and talking back to the teachers and probably I think we should do is to pay attention don't talk back to the kids.

  22. I think kids should know that they are all awesome and special. Also they should be respectful to everyone. I had a class meeting and everyone is great and one kid can celebrate another kid by clapping. We shared comments about different stuff.

  23. This kid is a great example because he will make you happy instead of mad. I feel that this video has changed me because this kid inspired me to have fun and to never be sad to be happy. Also we about this class meeting and it changed me because you get to talk about what you have done bad so I hope you guys watch this video.

  24. Dear Mr:Moor and Mrs:V
    When I watch the video about the president kid he was so cute and funny. And he really smart he is like learning the students and kids that how to be respectful to teachers and to the adults. And I also really liked when the president kid talk to the president Obama and he was like respectful and lesson really good to the president Obama. And I wish that some people going to lesson to this presedint kid and learn from it something that you want to be to the teachers to your parents and to the adults.


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